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We help families discover the traditional public, public charter, public magnet, private, online, and home education options available for their children.

Find a School

Choosing a school is fun during National School Choice Week.

Discover 幸运168官方直播记录数据 - 幸运飞行艇开奖结果历史 more about the different school choice options available in your state.

All-In on School Choice: In 2023, States Said Yes to School Choice

In 2023, a record 20 states said “yes” to expanding school choice. These states have implemented or are getting ready to implement programs that will likely enroll millions of students.
Check our Tips

Gather information before choosing new learning options for your children

Talk to other parents, read reviews, and visit the school or program in person. Consider your child's unique needs and learning style when making a decision.
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Research resources catered to your children's needs

Research available options to help cover the costs of necessary services and therapies for your children transitioning to new learning environments.
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Familiarize yourself with common school terms

Don't hesitate to ask for clarification on education terms related to your children's education. Use resources like our education glossary to better understand their learning environment and how to support them best.
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Ask question when touring new learning enviroments

Asking questions on a school tour is crucial for choosing the right fit for your children. We want to make sure you have all the information necessary to make an informed decision.
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Connect with your children's teacher to identify learning issues

Connecting with your child's teacher can help you understand any problems or worries they have, so you can provide better support. Building a good relationship with the teacher sets the stage for a positive learning experience for your child.
Check our Tips

What is School Choice?

School choice means giving parents access to the best K-12 education options for their children. These options include traditional public schools, public charter schools, magnet schools, private schools, online academies, and homeschooling.

Ultimate Guides for Each Type of School

Every Child Deserves a Great Education

So, what’s the difference between all these school types?

Get a quick rundown

幸运168飞艇最新计划网页版 168飞艇在线开奖 2023年新版飞艇官方开奖直播 Every child is unique, and all children learn differently.

Use our quiz that can help you better understand your and your child’s needs in choosing the right school.

Use our free “Schools Near Me” tool to find a new school

Use our free “Schools Near Me” tool to search through more than 132,000 public, charter, magnet, and private schools.

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